Web Offset Printing Machines

The use of offset printing machines in the history of printing is relatively new, but the fact that it is economically practical has resulted in its widespread. For a company that falls between small and large business corporations, using an offset printing machine can prove to be ideal for all their printing needs. Offset printing is excellent for books/booklets, brochures, business cards and forms, calendars, catalogues, flyers, invitations, and more. Within the printing industry, any medium-sized business can gain the best price per piece with offset printing.

What Is An Offset Printing Machine & How Does It Work?

The offset printing technique involves transferring an inked image onto a rubber blanket using a plate, and then onto paper. This procedure is also referred to as a lithographic process. This process also involves separating an image into its fundamental colors, which can be anywhere between one and eight or even more.

Computers make it easier to break down an image its primary printing colors and depending on the number of colors, individual plates are made for each of them. Different areas of the plate are either receptive to grease or water. The ink sticks to the areas that are receptive to grease, while the ink is repelled by the areas that are only receptive to water.

After putting the plates onto a press, the offset ink press then pulls in ink from ink fountains and the ink is poured onto the plate. Tremendous pressure is applied to the plate and the image from the plate is imprinted on the rubber blanket mentioned above. Next, the press uses the blanket to press the image onto paper.

Depending on the number of colors in the image, each plate with each individual color is pressed in this manner separately in order to complete the image and print.

Is Offset Printing Worthwhile For Businesses?

Cost Effective & Productive: Whether thousands of business cards or millions of inserts need to be printed, a company can cut down their costs with offset printing. The number of copies that have to be printed does not matter since the cost of making the metal plates remains the same. In fact, the more impressions are printed, the more the cost per copy is lowered.

High Quality: Many newer printing techniques are easily outperformed by the traditional offset printing procedure. Since ink is used in place of a toner, colors of the finished print tend to be more vibrant and the lines much finer.

Quicker: The offset printing procedure is even quicker than digital printing. Since offset printing uses continuous rolls of paper, up to 50 feet or more per second can be printed. When 5000 copies or more have to be printed on a deadline, speed becomes essential.

Various Finishes: With offset printing, it is possible to choose from high-gloss, matte, satin, and other such finishes, as well as different paper types like hi-bright and offset.


Offset printing has actually become the most common commercial printing technology; hence, it can prove to be quite beneficial for companies to make use of an offset printing machine.


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